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The Best of The Fairfield Review, 1997 - 2002 Excerpts Celebrating five years of Literary Excellence on the Web Here are some excerpts from "The Best of The Fairfield Review:" "William sat at the head of the massive kitchen table, leather patched elbows on the pitted and scored wood. He stared absently as he ate, his balding head tilted to the bulky clockwork radio perched high on the dresser, the crackling signal swelling and fading like waves against a sea wall. The short-range weather report broke through with the probability of more snow from the east. William looked past Sarah, his wife, huddled over the dishes in the deep Belfast sink, through the rimed window to the filtered landscape of the valley. The radio subsided to a becalmed murmur." from "On The Gray Hill" by Tom Brennan (Editor's Choice Award) Out of the window Over the water are the rain-stained lights of another country The unaltering eye of the lighthouse crabbed to land's end from "Lighthouses" by Robert James Berry (Editor's Choice Award) Everything in life exchanges into something else, especially words. I needed those mangos, sunsets, howling monkeys in the canopy to rhyme me to the man who left the last port. from “Costa Rica” by Michael Zack (Editor's Choice Award) |
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