1. | How would you like your name to appear in the magazine?
2. | What is your current (or former) occupation?
Are you a student?
If you are a student, what is your age?
What is the name of your school?
What is your grade of study?
3. | When did you begin writing? (i.e., for how many years have you been writing?)
4. | Why did you start writing? What was the motivation, the impetus, or the occasion?
5. | Have you had any of your work published?
If so, where?
6. | Have you won any awards, contests, or formal recognition for your writing?
If so, please list.
7. | Are you a member of any writing group or association?
If so, which one(s)?
8. | Do you have a special quote or comment you would like included?
9. | Title(s) of your submitted or accepted work?
10. | Any other information we should have about your work when it is published? (e.g., copyrights, trademarks, footnotes, etc.)
11. | Do we have your permission to include your work in The Fairfield Review, our on-line magazine published on the Internet's World Wide Web, and in our archive web pages and print anthologies; and do you hereby certify that it is your original work, and hold The Fairfield Review Inc., its editors and employees harmless against any lawsuit that may result from the publication of this work?