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The following is the complete version of Mr. Sparrow's poem Names. To read the abridged edition, click here. --egh Names by James Sparrow In the season of the fall We rendezvoused in 82 In the city Of the commander in chief For a week long A quarter million strong Some came silently and solo Others came with Fanfare And entire families It was to be the great gathering! This time we would be heard! And we would march in the streets! It belonged to us-- That city-- That week Many came still whole and still very strong Others came weak from fierce firefights Far off the battlefield! Some came missing an arm-- a leg --an eye Paralyzed!! We came to honor Those-- who filled our ranks no longer We would bury our dead With dignity In Per-pe-tu-i-ty A Chevron-- 500 feet long A monumental black marble Memorial Etched-- with the names of those who now marched with that vast army in the sky Names!!-- 57,939 This would be the shield! That we bore their bodies home on As befitting the warriors they were We came to see--hear--touch --The Names We came in tight fitting uniforms --Faded field jackets-- 3 piece suits We came from the big cities and the small towns We came from the low valleys and the mountains We came from the farm lands --the range lands --the wood lands We came with long hair --short hair-- clean shaven --bearded No longer did we look the same as we had when we talked the talk! and walked the walk! Up all night-- in fancy hotel bars Intricate handshakes That dazzled the eye and ear Laughin--cryin--huggin--kissin Crowed conversations clutter the air "Semper Fi" "Airborne all the way" "Anyone here served with 3/7 in 67" "Hey Remember me?" "Man, am I glad you made it back, all this time I thought you got zapped!" "What happened after I rotated?" "Did short round make it back?" Glasses clink, with arms held high A midnight toast "Here's to the best there ever was, and those of us that are left". We were still young but old beyond our years for we had walked in the footsteps of giants Now we gathered-- to see--hear--touch --The Names! To dedicate-- consecrate Our name ladened marble memorial For 3 days before A vigil we held by the light of candles In the National Cathedral From the altar Read aloud Names-- 57,939 More than 100 of us read the Names Friends and family members from thousands of miles away They came to hear the names The name of a buddy--brother--lover--son--husband It was my turn In the evening of the second day To read aloud names Every pew-- full Standing room only A solemn task I knelt on the altar A velvet pillow-- beneath my knees A sea of faces-- assembled before me Names 523 names I read aloud The first was Kosakowski, Gerald A. The last was Lahna, Gary W. I read a name and receive a reaction from soft murmurs to hysterical pain I became those names all 523 Koo-he-e-nooe, Moses I. Kos-ko-vich, Michael L. LaChance--LaChapelle--LaClear--LaFlair LaRosa--Lackey--Lackland--Labowski--Lafferty I read 2 Lafayettes-- 3 Kowalskis-- 7 Laceys 7 Krafts-- 10 Kruegers And 12 Kramers Arthur-Dennis-Douglas-Howard-James-John- Joseph-Kevin-Leon-Raymond-Robert and Stephen Kramer!! Each Name opening wide the mind's eye of memory Of who they were and who they could have been A man in a wheelchair Medal of Honor gracing his neck Wept With the sound of some names Flowers were dropped at my knees Mothers kissed me Fathers touched me Sisters and lovers hugged me Brothers and buddies-- shook me Names Kranz Jr., William F. His Mother stopped me When she heard his name Tears in her eyes-- with a simple request My signature next to his name I humbly oblige Teardrops from hundreds of eyes Tug at my soul My mind is flooded with the pain of so many Names My knees ache My body shakes --finished!! I need a hand --just to stand At week's end We walk in the sun Marching along together again Thousands of feet hitting the pavement not in unison at all The same feet that waded the paddies in Que Son and climbed the hills in the central highlands The same feet that clamored out of choppers And the same such feet that flew those birds and drove those trucks and built those bridges and stood endless watch against the terror of the night Short timers canes little American flags Waved high held in the hand Sons and daughters perched high on shoulders that bore the burden Chanting!! --Shouting!! while feet strode down the avenue "I don't know-- but I been told Streets in heaven-- are paved with gold" "Vietnam Vet and damn proud!!" "Pick up your head and hold it high 5th Marines are passing by" "Big red one!"-- "Tropic Lighting!" G.I. beans-- G.I. gravy Gee I wish I joined the Navy "God Bless America" "I know a girl who lives on the hill She won't kiss me but her sister will" "Sound off-- 1-2-- Sound off-- 3-4 Bring it on down 1-2-3-4 1-2--3-4" A high school band plays When Johnny comes marching home again-- hoo ra-- hoo ra A Parade-- of emotions down Constitution Ave. --to the end of the mall Where our Wall-- Mirrors reflections And contains the Names Boat people-- Refugees-- Vietnamese Line the top of the wall A banner in hand-- Proclaiming brightly "Thank you, Vietnam Veterans for Defending Freedom and Democracy" Speechless dignitaries give speeches "An overdue tribute to those who performed well in the most trying of circumstances" We!! came to bury our dead with dignity in Per-pe-tu-i-ty We!! Need no tribute we know who we are We!! Are the men of Bedford-- Exeter-- Warwick-- Talbot-- Salisbury and Gloucester That fought alongside Harry the King Upon Saint Crispin's Day We!! Are that same band of brothers That stood defiantly at Lexington!! Conquered the Argonne!! Sweated on the "Canal"!! Chilled to the bone in the "Bulge"!! And Froze in the reservoir know as Chosin!! Speeches!! We listen standing-- pressed together elbow to elbow asshole to belly button We are one!! Our souls-- stitched tightly together with the thick twine of shared experience We dedicate in a moment of silence then a surging forth in a search for names It's done-- it's there for all the world to see--hear--touch The Names 57,939 |
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Document last modified on: 02/12/1998