The Fairfield Review
Order a Book -- Make a Donation

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At your option, for each $25 of contribution, we will send you a copy of our publication, The Best of The Fairfield Review, 1997 - 2002 or our newest chapbook, Couplets, Conversations in Poetry. Please tell us any special instructions for your book order or donation in the comments box at the bottom of this form.

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Donations, less the $6 value per book, are tax-deductible. A copy of our 501(c)(3) IRS ruling letter may be found here.

Gift Donations

If you would like to make your donation in honor or memory of someone, please tell us who and provide an email address where we can send a notice of the gift. If you would like us to send a book to the honoree, please provide the mailing address and any special instructions in the comments section, below.
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We apologize that some information must be entered twice, but this allows us to gather the information we need to process book orders and send you an acknowledgement for your tax returns, while using a secure, low cost, nonprofit credit card system.

If you prefer to send your donation via post, please print out this form, enclose your check payable to The Fairfield Review, Inc. and mail it to us at:

The Fairfield Review
544 Silver Spring Road
Fairfield, CT 06824

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Document last modified on: 03/08/2025